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Subclavian steal syndrome after coronary artery bypass graft surgery

Roberto Ramos Barbosa1; Gabriel Miranda de Brito2; Renato Giestas Serpa3; Tiago de Melo Jacques4; Osmar de Araujo Calil5; Luiz Fernando Machado Barbosa6

Received on 19 May 2017

Introduction: subclavian theft syndrome (SBS) is related to subclavian artery stenosis. In patients who were previously submitted to myocardial revascularization (CABG) surgery with internalcoronary mammary graft, SBS may trigger anginal symptoms.

Case Report: we report two cases of angina pectoris after CABG, associated with left upper limb pain on exertion. Patients were diagnosed with SBS and submitted to percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with stent implantation in the subclavian artery, evolving with clinical improvement.

Discussion: the reported cases are unusual in clinical practice and demonstrate the efficacy and safety of interventional
endovascular treatment in SBS.

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